Monday, December 27, 2010

CSS Christmas Celebration 2010

Selamat hari natal kepada semua ahli CSS dan alumni!

Di bawah ialah gambar-gambar ahli-ahli CSS yang masih di rumah CSS semasa cuti ini.

Pic taken from 24th until 26th December 2010.

2011 here we come!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Shalom my brothers and sisters in Christ,

Classes are commencing so I would like to take this opportunity to say to you all, HAPPY ATTENDING CLASSES! Hee.. Oh.. it's still Raya season too, so don't forget to claim all the Kuih rayas from your Muslim friends. Hehehe..

Well, September is still going on. So, let us recap the previous activities happening in CSS, by CSS or for CSS.

First, on Sunday, July 25, WELCOMING GATHERING!

Welcoming means, we invite all members, be it new members, old members, ex exco, or even alumnis to join us together to welcome each other in Shah Alam. Gathering means, a group of persons together in one place. In Hebrews 10:24-25, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." We can say CSS is like a small church, and the characteristics of a church is, to provide believers a place to belong, to offer encouragement and support as people of like mind come together for growth, worship and friendship.

So, that is activity by CSS. Now let us go the activity, which organised by our Parish, CDM. It is, Misa dan Pesta Gawai, Kaamatan dan Panen, held on Sundayjavascript:void(0), August 1. CSS+SA also participate in making this event a success, ie, by send representative for Music-togunggak team, cultural dance & drama tari.

And so, that's for July. Now, let us jump to August!!
The first activity by CSS is "Gotong Royong" held on Saturday, August 7.

For your information, Decimus is the current Tuai Rumah. Who is also the one of the exco, in fact, all the house tenants are EXCOs. First, thank God for the house. Then thanks to Mr James Douglas Ripon and other 2 alumni because they found the house. And not forgetting Ms. Monica, who all this years have helped CSS to grow. Fuh! There are so many names to mention. Nanti tidak cukup tempat. Hehehe. Yeah, that's Decimus' message thanking all who have helped during the gotong royong. The next picture shows we walked from Wisma PKPS to CSS House, together.
The next activity, is NOT CSS activity, but I can say it is for CSS, the event was "Malam Kebudayaan 1Malaysia" organised by MSM and was on 21th August 2010. Although, it was not a CSS activity but God has showed that we can create good new relationship-friendship in many ways> For this event in particular, there are a lot of new found friend, not only from our CSS but also from other CSSes. Oh Tan Sri Bernard was there also la, I think maybe to give us, students from Borneo support that we are not alone. (Hmm.. yakah.. hehe) And hey our CSS 'peacemaker band' was the one playing that day, and one of our CSS member also got an award! For all the sweat, discipline and hard work, he, ELVIN DAINAL got an award from Tan Sri Benard because succeed in getting good grades in his music studies.

And on Sunday, August 15, it PUNCAK ALAM GATHERING!! The purpose of this event, is to reach out to the students in Puncak Alam.

So that for August and July. Now let us head to the present, SEPTEMBER!!

September 10 at 6:00pm - September 12, CDM-KUBM had organised SEMINAR BERTUMBUH DALAM ROH! Here are the facts, this seminar is first time held in West Malaysia!
The speakers are :
- Msgr. Gilbertus Engan (Vikar Jeneral), Keuskupan Keningau
- Sr. Jude (Ahli Pergerakan Karismatik), Keuskupan Keningau
- Bro. Lamhot Sagala (Katekis), Medan, Indonesia
- Sdr. Paul Sia (Ahli Pergerakan Karismatik), Keuskupan Agung KL

And the most happening event, 16 SEPTEMBER MALAYSIA DAY!!!!!

For more picture click at our facebook photo.

So, that the end of September activity.

October is approaching, what do we have? The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary!!
Click on Month of Holy Rosary and October:Month of the Holy Rosary to read more about this month.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


1) Malam ini ada Novena sempena Seminar Bertumbuh Dalam Roh (GSS) minggu ini di Rumah CSS, Sek 2 pada pukul 8 malam.

2) Kepada sesiapa yang menyertai Seminar Bertumbuh Dalam Roh (GSS) Jumaat ini, bas akan mengambil kita pada pukul 4.30pm.

3) Tiada perkhidmatan bas ke Misa 11.15am minggu ini.

4) Kepada rakan-rakan yang bercuti, Selamat Bercuti. Kepada yang balik kampung, semoga perjalanan anda selamat!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


1. There will be no activity for F.I.T on 10th Sept
because CSS will be joining GSS at CDM from 10 until 12 Sept.

2. Growth in Spirit Seminar or Seminar bertumbuh dalam Roh ialah dari 10 - 12 Sept. Dan CSS juga ada buat doa novena di rumah CSS setiap hari sehingga 8hb pada jam 8pm.

3. NEXT ACTIVITY : CSS BBQ inconjuction of MALAYSIA DAY!! Start 5.00pm

Monday, August 16, 2010

Puncak Alam visit

Jika ada saudara yang lain dalam kesusahan, sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk membantu mereka. Itulah dinamakan solidarity, atau kebersatuan.

Jika kita sudah menjadi kuat, adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk menolong yang lemah. Itulah nama dia help each other.

Jika kita sudah berpengalaman, sudah menjadi tanggungjawab untuk kita untuk mengajar dan membantu mereka untuk berdiri. Macam ibu bapa mengajar anak berjalan. Kalau anak itu tidak diajar, maka terbantutlah pertumbuhan dia dari segi intelektual.

Kalau kita tidak buat seperti yang diatas, itu dinamakan pentingkan diri sendiri dan mengamalkan korupsi.

Kalau kita melihat CSS hanya tempat untuk mentadbir sahaja, tetapi tiada hati untuk melayani pelajar sesama. Kita boleh samakan, contoh, kerajaan yang mentadbir, meeting meeting saja, tapi tiada hati mau melayani rakyat yang sebenar. Tidak mahu untuk turun padang tengok keadaan rakyat yang menderita. Tetapi lebih senang untuk mengambil kesempatan dalam posisinya sebagai menteri.

Ini sama juga macam EXCO CSS, di mana AGM berlangsung, dan semua ahli CSS akan undi EXCO2. Jadi ini bermaksud, EXCO itu telah diberi mandat untuk menjaga kebajikan pelajar sesama, bukan hanya pandai duduk diam di rumah dan mengambil kesempatan rumah CSS yang selesa.

Tetapi EXCO juga harus turun padang, contohnya pergi cari pelajar di dalam Kolej, tegur sapa pelajar dan jaga kebajikan pelajar.

Dengan aktiviti Puncak Alam visit ini, adalah satu langkah untuk CSS menjaga kebajikan pelajar di Puncak Alam.

Puncak Alam picss

Click here for picture

With Sister Stella & Sister Lusiah Updates!

Seramai 40 ahli CSS telah menghadirkan diri ke FIT.

Next FIT : Talent Nite

Thursday, August 12, 2010

FITs yang lalu

Apa yang menggerakkan CSS ini ialah aktiviti mingguan kita setiap hari Jumaat. Kami sediakan pelbagai aktiviti kerohanian dan juga aktiviti berbentuk ilmiah yang bersangkut paut dengan iman kita. Kerana dalam ingin mau mematangkan kita dalam iman dan selaras juga kita ini adalah pelajar Universiti. Kita harus membuat renungan mengapa kita percaya akan iman yang kita pegang ini. =)

So we present you the PAST FITs!!!!

[click on the pictures to enlarge]



Aktiviti di bawah

Di bawah ialah aktiviti [sila klik to enlarge]

Di bawah ialah aktiviti